We escaped to Dartmouth in June 2004. It was hot. We became exhausted just unloading the removal van and carting all our stuff into the house. But we felt exhilarated because Dartmouth looked so beautiful and we were finally here.
Having moved here because we fell in love with it over a number of years I have decided to start a blog to explain to people what it is like once you move here.
We were told all sorts of stuff like "it wont be like a holiday once you're there!"
But do you know what, it is. It's brilliant.
So I am going to try to show what it is like in case you are thinking of moving here or just coming to visit. Beware, you will probably get hooked.
There is a lot to cover so I am going to run it as a diary and make it seasonal, sort of.
December 2010.
It's been cold, very cold, for Darty. Far from feeling excited by snow we feel rather 'down' because we don't feel like going out as it's too cold and slushy. We miss going out along the embankment or walking out to the Castle.

We must be patient and wait for it to improve a bit so we can wrap up and venture out.
Tchoh, a little snow and you're all huddlesome. Poofters, the bally lot o' you! ;)